Ancient Coins
Byzantine John I Tzimisces 969-976AD Silver Miliaresion
Ancient Byzantine
John I Tzimisces
Silver Miliaresion
Constantinople Mint
Obv: Cross crosslet on globus above two steps, a cirular medallian containing facing bust of John at centre
Byzantine Phocas 602-610AD Gold Solidus
Byzantine Phocas
Issued 607-610AD
Gold Solidus 4.40g
Constantinople Mint
Officina 'I'
Obv: Phocas bearded and facing bust, wearing cuirass, paludamentum and crown, holding cross, 'ON FOC...
Byzantine, Anastasius I, 491-518AD Gold Tremissis
Ancient Byzantine
Anastasius I
Gold Tremissis, 1.48g
Obv: "D N ANASTASIVS P P AVG" Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev: "VICTORIA AVGVSTOR" Victory advancing right, head left ...
Byzantine, Heraclius 610-641AD Gold Semissis
Ancient Byzantine
Gold Semissis, 2.15g
Obv: "D N HRACLIVS PP AV" Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev: "VICTORIA AVGU" Cross potent on globe "CONOB" in exergue
Byzantine, Heraclius 610-641AD Gold Tremissis
Ancient Byzantine
(610-641AD) 610-635AD
Gold Tremissis, 1.43g
Obv: "D N HRACLIVS PP AV" Diademed and draped bust right
Rev: "VICTORIA AVGYI" Cross potent "CONOB" in exergue
Byzantine, Theodosius II, 402-450AD Gold Tremissis
Ancient Byzantine
Theodosius II
(402-450AD) 408-420AD
Gold Tremissis, 1.51g
Obv: "D N THEODO SIVS P P AVG" Draped and cuirassed bust of Theodosius II right
Rev: "VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM" Victory rig...
Byzantine, Tiberius II Constantine 578-582AD Gold Tremissis
Ancient Byzantine
Tiberius II Constantine
Gold Tremissis, Constantinople Mint 1.45g
Obv: Tiberius II Constantine bust right, with pearl-diadem, wearing cuirass and paludamentum, 'dN COS...
Byzantine, Tiberius II, 578-582AD Gold Tremissis
Ancient Byzantine
Tiberius II Constantinus
Gold Tremissis, 1.48g
Obv: "COSTANTINVS P P AI" Diademed and cuirassed bust right
Rev: "VICTOR" Cross potent "CONOB" in exergue